Monthly Archives: August 2024

justice under terror (film: Nachts wenn der Teufel kam / The Devil Strikes at Night – Robert Siodmak, 1957)

The life path and the career of Robert Siodmak has been winding, full of ups and downs, worthy of the script of a biopic waiting to be written and brought to screens sometime in the future. The German director of … Continue reading

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history as a farce (film: The Death of Stalin – Armando Iannucci, 2017)

One of the most famous quotes attributed to Karl Marx (who in turn was commenting on Hegel) is the one that claims that history and its personalities repeat themselves twice: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce. … Continue reading

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CHANGE.WORLD: AI și joburile noastre

Nu mai este vorba nici despre literatură științifico-fantastică și nici despre previziuni teoretice. Inteligența Artificială (AI) este aici, implementată pe scară largă în domeniile cele mai diferite ale economiei și vieții sociale. În unele cazuri, prezența sistemelor AI este vizibilă, … Continue reading

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old is cool (film: Thelma – Josh Margolin, 2024)

Movies with people at advanced ages as characters are all the rage. At the rate they are being produced and released, the Academy may soon create a new category of Academy Awards – for Best Actor/Actress over 85. If such … Continue reading

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dreams with deers (film: On Body and Soul / Teströl és lélekröl – Ildikó Enyedi, 2017)

‘Teströl és lélékröl‘ (‘On Body and Soul‘ in the English distribution), the film that won the Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival in 2017 and was nominated for Best Foreign Language Film at the Academy Awards, is one of … Continue reading

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at the theatre with Deneuve, Luchini, Depardieu (film: Potiche – François Ozon, 2010)

‘Potiche‘, François Ozon‘s 2010 film brings together Catherine Deneuve, Fabrice Luchini and Gérard Depardieu, which is reason enough to want to see it without delay. The film brings to the screen a plot inspired by a play that was successfully … Continue reading

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cool psychological thriller on the shores of the Lac Léman (film: Merci pour le chocolat – Claude Chabrol, 2000)

In 2000, Claude Chabrol, having turned 70 years old, was entering his last decade of life and cinematic career. ‘Merci pour le chocolat‘ (distributed in the English-language market under the rather funny title ‘Nightcap‘) was the sixth film in which … Continue reading

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CHANGE.WORLD: Celelalte Jocuri Olimpice de la Paris

Jocurile Olimpice la Paris sunt ca în nicio altă parte a lumii. Afirmația este valabilă pentru ediția actuală, dar și pentru edițiile precedente, căci 2024 este a treia ediție a Jocurilor care se desfășoară în capitala Franței. Au trecut 100 … Continue reading

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bloody thrones (film: La reine Margot – Patrice Chéreau, 1994)

Historical movies are getting old too. ‘La reine Margot‘, the adaptation of Alexandre Dumas’ novel produced by Claude Berri and written (in collaboration) and directed by Patrice Chéreau was made in 1994. I am passionate about history (including historical books … Continue reading

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Yorgos Lanthimos’ triptych (film: Kinds of Kindness – Yorgos Lanthimos, 2024)

Yorgos Lanthimos invites us into his world with the triptych ‘Kinds of Kindness‘ (2024). The format of the short-medium format film collection is not entirely new. Of course, we know him from the small screens with illustrious precedents such as … Continue reading

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