Happy Birthday, Catcher!

Christmas Day is also the anniversary of The Catcher in the Sand. I started it two years ago, as an experiment with this format of communication on the Internet and as a way of sharing feelings, experiences, and information with my friends. It has become since then a part of my life, and maybe a part of myself.

I have written less in the second year on the Catcher then in the first one. It was a busier year from a professional and personal point of view, and not an easy one. I want to believe however that I have written better, and the feedback that I am getting is that I am on the right track. The feedback that counts I mean, the one from my friends and the one from readers who get to my blog while searching for a specific item, and stay here to read more because they found interest in the content and in the way it is written. A few friends help me with contributions and I thank them for allowing me to host their thoughts and experiences here.


source http://www.blippitt.com/blippitt-is-turning-2-and-were-upgrading/birthday-cake-candle-2/


What next? I plan to continue to write and share in this space. The subjects will cover almost everything. I will write about my hobbies, about books, movies, travels, music and sport games. I will try to keep out of politics, although what happens around in this politicized world have probably and will probably influence what I wrote and will write. I will also write less about my professional life, and not directly in any case, as there are other channels of communication where I am active and present all the time on the professional plan.


First of all I plan to have fun. I will keep this blog active as long as I will have fun doing it. I hope that you will also have fun reading The Catcher in the Sand and I invite you to share your feelings and impressions.


Happy Anniversary, Catcher!


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0 Responses to Happy Birthday, Catcher!

  1. Jovi says:

    Felicitari, Dan, La multi ani si multe articole la fel de interesante!
    Asteptam postarile tale cu mare interes…

  2. Multumesc, Jovi! Raman indatorat (si colaborator fidel pentru multa vreme, sper) la filme-carti.ro, care a fost pentru mine o sursa de inspiratie pentru a incepe ‘The Catcher’.

  3. Felicia Antip says:

    Bravo, Dan, tine-o tot asa pentru delectarea noastra a tuturor celor ce profitam de apetitul tau insatiabil pentru frumos si interesant in toate ipostazele lor si de talentul tau de a sugera, in cuvinte putine, ceea ce este esential in tot ceea ce vezi, citesti, assculti, intalnesti. Pe mine, multilateralitatea ta si pofta ta de a impartasi bucuria descoperirilor cu noi ceilalti ma uluiesc de-a dreptul.Nu mai cunosc pe nimeni care s-o faca in mod atat de firesc si de eficient.

  4. Multumesc, Felicia, pentru cuvintele calde de apreciere, care sunt pentru mine cel mai bun indemn pentru a continua sa impartasesc bucuriile descoperirilor mele.

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