Felicia Antip



Sunt coplesit de vestea ca prietena noastra Felicia Antip ne-a parasit intru eternitate.

Nu pot descrie acum cat a insemnat Felicia pentru mine, incepand cu
anii 60 si 70 cand ii citeam articolele din Romania Literara care
deschideau o fereastra catre literatura si cultura lumii, o fereastra
unica in anii de cenzura si opresiune culturala. Nu am visat sa discut
cu ea si sa o cunosc personal vreodata, ocazia mi-a fost data intai de
listele internetice, apoi am avut sansa sa o cunosc personal, sa-i
devin prieten, sa petrecem impreuna clipe de discutie unice in
Bucuresti si in Israel.

Un om cum putini am avut sansa sa cunosc in viata.

Fie-i amintirea binecuvantata.

April 2012 - at Radio Shalom in Bucharest

April 2012 – at Radio Shalom in Bucharest

I am crushed by the news that our dear friend Felicia Antip left us forever.

It’s hard to say in a few words what Felicia meant for me. I first met her in the 60s and 70s, she was a respected journalist, her articles in Romania Literara opened to me a window to the literature and culture of the world, a unique window in those years of censorship and cultural repression in Romania. I never dare dreaming that I will meet and talk to her one day, decades later I had the chance to met her via the Internet fora, later to meet her in person, to spend with her unique moments and dialogs in Bucharest and in Israel.

There are very few people of her human and intellectual quality I had ever the chance to meet.

May her memory be blessed.

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