Andrei Berar este un vechi prieten. Ne-am cunoscut in ultimii ani de liceu, la Sfantul Sava (a.k.a. Balcescu in acea vreme). Am devenit prieteni in vremea studentiei si am colindat impreuna cateva creste de munti cu corturile in spate. Drumurile ni s-au despartit, amandoi am ajuns pe cate un West Coast, doar ca el pe West Coast a Statelor Unite in Sillicon Valley, iar eu in West Coast of the Mediterranean in Israel. Ne-am reintalnit acum cativa ani in San Francisco. Andrei a citit despre ‘leapsa’ noastra cu tema NU ESTE TOTUL PIERDUT si mi-a trimis contributia sa pentru a o posta pe ‘Catcher in the Sand’ deoarece el nu are blogul sau. Ii multumesc pentru contributie si pentru preluarea stafetei. Limba engleza ii este mai la indemana in exprimare.

Nu este totul pierdut, because it’s a null sum game. Like probably many other who are reading this blog, I grew up in Romania and left when I was 27 years old, spent most of the rest of my life to present day in California, and travel extensively in search of a “sign.” I wonder through Tibet, Buthan, Nepal, Sikim…up to Mt. Everest base camp in Tibet, and returned with a sense of accomplishment, there is no sign.
Life goes on, and nothing can get you out of its continuous circle. You do the best you believe you can do in this particular cycle of life, gives you a sense of control, but most of it is “pre-assigned”. Your real contribution is in the next cycle, so actually nothing is lost but gain for you and for others.
One of the “tricks” is to be very selective of your attachments, get attached only to things and people that make you a better person. Forcing things to go your way, does not work, or is very violent, and still does not succeed. One of the biggest problem that the communism did not see, was that in order to succeed they must kill ALL the people from before the communism, or the result will be a disaster; it was a disaster.
So, “nu este totul pierdut” the only question is when we will get it back, and how much of it will be our own or somebody’s else.
my 2¢
iata si traducerea in limba romana:
Nu este totul pierdut, caci este vorba despre un joc cu suma nula. Precum multi altii dintre cititorii acestui blog, probabil, m-am format in Romania, pe care am parasit-o cand aveam 27 de ani, mi-am petrecut cea mai mare parte a timpului de atunci in California, si calatoresc intens in cautarea unui “semn”. Am ajuns prin Tibet, Buthan, Nepal, Sikim… pana la tabara de la poalele Everestului din Tibet, si m-am intors cu un sentiment de realizare a faptului ca nu exista niciun semn.
Viata continua, si nimic nu te poate scoate din ciclul ei nesfarsit. Faci ceea ce crezi ca este mai bine in acest ciclu in care te afli, ceea ce iti da un anumit sentiment de control, dar in realitate cea mai mare parte este “scrisa” dinainte. Contributia ta reala este in ciclul urmator, deci in fapt nimic nu este pierdut pentru tine si ceilalti.
Una dintre “metode” este sa fii foarte selectiv in relatii, sa te atasezi numai de lucruri si oameni care te fac un om mai bun. Fortarea lucrurilor pe fagasul tau este sortita esecului sau genereaza violenta si nici atunci nu reuseste. Una dintre marile orbiri ale comunismului a fost ignorarea faptului ca pentru a reusi ar fi trebuit sa-i ucida pe TOTI cei ce traisera inainte de comunism, daca nu rezultatul era sortit dezastrului; a fost un dezastru.
In concluzie “nu este totul pierdut”, singura intrebare este cand vei primi ceva inapoi, si cat va fi al tau si cat al altora.
‘my 2 ¢’
1. There is no “next cycle”
2. “One of the biggest problem that the communism did not see, was that in order to succeed they must kill ALL the people from before the communism, or the result will be a disaster; it was a disaster.”
The result would have been a disaster anyway. And … for all practical purposes, they DID kill all the people from before.
you do not know if there is or is not a next cycle. you walk into this life, like in the middle of the movie, expect to know what happened before, and you leave before the movie ends, how does it end….