a thriller that deserved a better name (The Lincoln Lawyer – Matthew McConaughey, 2011)

My preferred movie critic Roger Ebert spends about half of his review of the film explaining the title of this film. I will not repeat it here in order not to spoil your pleasure of reading it. I will just say that despite Roger’s elaboration I believe that this intelligent crime movie, maybe the most intelligent of the year (and no wonder as it is bringing to screen a novel by Michael Connelly) would have deserved a better and smartest name. Or maybe the title was intended to be one more riddle for the non-American viewers? Just kidding …


source - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1189340/


It takes some time to decide whether to love or to hate Mick Haller, the Matthew McConaughey. He is a lawyer, son of a lawyer, he drinks in tune with all Californian private eyes in films and crime novels, he keeps guilty people out of jail, and sometimes innocent people in jail to avoid harsher sentences. Slowly you realize that he is not only smart and knowledgeable about the labyrinths of the system, but that he also would do the right thing eventually and he will do it in a smart way. And then his ex-wife is played by Marisa Tomei and his investigator partner by William Macey, so with two such partners on screen how can’t we end by liking him. (both Tomey and Macey are wonderful actors doing here two wonderful supporting roles.



(video source ClevverMovies)


With a well written story which succeeds to be interesting and clear to the viewers all the time, with many characters on screen that go beyond the standard typology defined by their roles and find to themselves a reason to be in the movie at the right time ‘The Lincoln Lawyer’ directed by Brad Furman (at his second long feature film only) stands one step ahead of the crowd as the best crime film of the season. If you are looking for good entertainment that does not leave you with the feeling that you wasted your time by the end of the screening, this could be your pick. Now, what other good title it could get? 🙂


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0 Responses to a thriller that deserved a better name (The Lincoln Lawyer – Matthew McConaughey, 2011)

  1. Rafi Manory says:

    I don’t think the movie could have a different title, because the fact that he works out of his Lincoln is a very importnat part of his character. The Lincoln is a classy car, but working from a car is no so classy. So you have a mix of sophisticated taste together with a down-to-earth style. Take way the Lincoln and you have a different movie…

  2. Sure, Rafi, but then, as you may realize, for the non-American viewer, Lincoln was just a president 🙂

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