source http://www.clujulcultural.ro/pictorul-radu-maier-expozitie-retrospectiva-importanta-la-muzeul-de-arta/
Radu-Anton Maier is a German painter born in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. As a student and young artist he worked with Corneliu Baba and painted the portrait of Lucian Blaga. He moved to Germany in the 1970s, after the short liberalization period in Communist Romania was cut short by the 1971 July Theses and one of his works in public space was covered by white paint at the order of the authorities. He soon reached international success far from his country of birth. His complex works combine hipper-realistic techniques with surrealist and oniric themes, inviting viewers in the artist inner world and visions. Maier returned to exposing in Romania after 1990, his most recent exhibition in Romania was held earlier this year at the Brukenthal Museum in Sibiu.

source http://revistacultura.ro/nou/2014/05/lumi-vizionare-si-metamorfoze-cromatice-radu-anton-maier-80/