Coincidentele calendarelor fac ca astazi sa avem o sarbatoare dubla – Ziua Nationala a Romaniei si prima lumanare a sarbatorii de Hanuca. In moduri diferite cele doua sarbatori simbolizeaza dorinta de libertate a celor doua popoare – roman si evreu – si marcheaza speranta in biruinta luptei lor pentru libertate si intregire fizica si spirituala.
The hazards of the calendars makes of this year’s December 1st a double day of celebration for me. It’s both the National Day of Romania marking the complete reunification of all Romanians in one country on December 1st 1918, and also it’s the first night of Hanukkah, when Jews light the first of the eight candles celebrating light and freedom. In different ways the two holidays symbolize the thirst for freedom of the two peoples, and the hope towards physical and spiritual unity.
La Multi Ani, Romania!
Hag Hanuca Sameah!