Shavuot is the last festival in the series of Jewish holidays in spring, marking the start of summer in the geographical area of the Land of the Bible. I like this combination of sacred and earthly reasons of joy – the giving of the Torah and conclusion of harvest at the end of the rainy season, the all night study of the Bible and the tradition of the bikkurim (first fruits brought to the Temple in Jerusalem in the old days), the kabbalistic Tikkun Leil Shavuot and the eating cheese cakes.
(video source infolivetvenglish)
Here is a short video with a few Israelis describing what the holiday means for them, why they love it, and how they celebrate it.
(video source singinginjerusalem)
The clip above is filmed at the Western Wall in the old city of Jerusalem, where huge crowds gather each year to celebrate the holiday. Music is beautiful as well.
Hag Sameah!